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Dimensions settings have no effect! How do you export an SVG of defined dimesnsions? Mayeb there is a bug….

Hi @Tim W, thanks for posting in the Community!

I am unable to reproduce what you are describing on my end, when I export a document as an SVG with a custom crop (as described in this Help Center article) the dimensions of the resulting SVG vary depending on the crop I choose. 

Could you sen the following in your response so I can get a better understanding of the issue: 

  • A screenshot of your document. 
  • A screenshot and description of your download settings. 
  • A screenshot showing the dimensions of the resulting SVG.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks Eric, great to hear from you…..

I have attached screenshots that reproduce the issue, the symptoms being a canvas set at about 1100 px width is output to SVG at about 2500 px width.


Maybe that might point to somethin overlooked. I read your linked help article which doesn’t highlight anything new…. but maybe the images attached could provide insight to the expert...

Looking forward to receiving further guidance….

Best wishes, Tim



Thanks for providing that information @Tim W! I’m trying to reproduce what you are seeing on my end and have been unable to do so, so far: While there is a small discrepancy between the pixels in the document settings and the resulting SVG, it is nowhere near as big as in your case. 

Can you please send a temporary Support PIN for this document? This will allow me to take a closer look at the issue you’re experiencing. For more information on generating a Support PIN, check out this Help Center article.
