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I want to paste a list of table rows from Excel into a set of Lucid shapes. When I paste, Lucid pastes the content as table by default. How to transform that table into a set of shapes?

Hey @SergeB -- thanks for posting! Would you mind to clarify, are you trying to add data to an already built set of shapes or are you attempting to create a new flowchart from your dataset?

I just want to paste table rows from Excel into shapes, instead of into a table.

Hey @SergeB -- thank you for clarifying! You can certainly copy and paste the text from those tables into your Lucid shapes, however, the format may not transfer over properly. You could also try taking a screenshot of that table and insert that image into your shape if you simply need the data in the shape. 

If this isn’t quite what you’re looking to do, would you mind sending me a screenshot of what you’d like to see along with a bit of additional context?

Thanks so much for your patience! 

I would love to know if this was expanded upon. I often find myself re typing things from excel or other sources into Lucid shapes/Stickies/Cards. It would be great if a table/excel/list of headings could be transformed into a set of stickies rather than, as was mentioned, copy and pasting each cell. 

Hi @ABAnchor

Thank you for your post! While there isn’t a way to convert a Lucidspark table into sticky notes, you can import a CSV or TXT file and Lucidspark will create sticky note for each line or entry in the file. For more instructions on how to do this, check out this Help Center article
