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I am administrator of Lucidchart accounts for my company. Some users have quit our company since a while. We had to desactivate their licence and their documents have been transfered to my own account into my documents . Employees have manifested to get back them - i mean obtain the propriety of these fles and doc but i do not find a way to proceed. Share files and document is not the solution I request. This transfer is possible when I delete an account but not when account still have to exist - mine.

Hi Pauline

Thanks for reaching out to the community. Unfortunately the platform does not have a native way to transfer files between accounts without deleting accounts. You can however share the document with the account you would like to transfer the files to. Once you share the document simply go into your account you would like to own the documents and make a copy. The copy will show up in your account under "My Documents" and the owner of the new copy will be the current account. If the original document is shared with anyone else you will need to reshare the copy.

I apologize for the inconvenience but unfortunately this is the only way to complete the transfer without deleting your account. Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.
