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How do I print a shared document?

  • 12 December 2014
  • 3 replies

We purchased a plan from LucidChart so that we can shared documents and we can; but there does not to be any way to print a shared document or save it to PDF.  Is there some way to do it?

Right after I posted I found an answer.  I can make a copy of the document then I can save the copy as PDF print it then delete my copied document.

Hi Rob- I am glad you found an answer so quickly. Most likely you have "Can Edit" permissions which allow you to make changes to the document but not share it or print. The creator of the document can switch your permissions to "Is Owner" so you will be able to share it as needed. To make the change they can click on the thumbnail of the document on the document's page. Then on the right side under "Sharing & Permissions" they can make you the owner. Please let me know if this helps!

Thank you Rob K. for the "make a copy of the document" tip. Worked for me. Extra points for anwering your own question.
