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I would to add an employee that will sit at hierarchy level 3 without adding a manager at hierarchy level 2.  How do I extend the line

Hello Rachelle

Thank you for posting in the Lucidchart Community! It is not possible to have an employee at level 3 report directly to a manager at level 1 without a middle man at level 2. However a workaround for this would be to create a fake employee in the area that should be 'skipped' (at level 2) and on the right hand menu deselect all information and choose the 'text only' style. This will make it appear like there is no employee at level 2. If I want "lime" direction straight to "tree" I have to put an employee in the middle that will be hidden. I chose to have this employee as "lemon". After following the steps above it appears as though lime is reporting directly to tree. Please let me know if you need additional help with this!
