Hi Jim thanks for your post. Just to make sure that we are on the same page could you review this section of our ERD article from the Lucidchart Help Center to recap the ERD import process? The first step in the import process generates a query that you can run in your MySQL database just as you would do with any other query. You can then import the resulting output as a .CSV .TSV or .TXT file or you could paste the output directly into the box shown in the import window in Lucidchart. If you run into any specific issues during this process would you mind providing some more detail on the steps you followed and any errors you received?
Hi. I appreciate your reply however your response does not have anything to do with the information I'm looking for. The title of the post says exactly what I need to know. So using PHPMYADMIN (a web-based MYSQL database admin tool) how do I export my database to a CSV file that acceptable/compatible with the LucidChart csv import?
I run your SQL query however the output contains every database that I have in mysql. ( as seen in the screen capture below )

When clicking the "export" link below the result set phpmyadmin wants to export a single table in the current database.
If click on the export tab in phpmyadmin and export the database as normal to a CSV file lucidchart doesn't like it.
The Lucidchart import instructions tell us to "Run this query and import the output " but the instructions leave out the most important steps. How to export our database schema using tools like phpmyadmin or MySQL Workbench.
I apologize if I sound frustrated. I've been trying to figure this out for several days on my own. I've been hesitate about seeking assistance in forums since the response I typically get is something I'm already familiar with or I haven't phrased my question correctly haven't crossed my I's or dotted my T's etc. (I'm looking at you StackOverflow).
Hi Jim
Thanks for clarifying I think I understand what you're trying to achieve now. Please keep in mind that our ERD import process doesn't officially support additional DB admin tools like PHPMyAdmin so you will have to modify the query to narrow this down to one database. The modification will depend on your DBMS but here's an example you could try adding to the MySQL query provided in Lucidchart:
Hope this helps!
That allowed me to get to the database I need. I still can't find a resource that will show me how to export the ERD from phpmyadmin.
Hi Jim you will need to export or copy the results of the query from PHPMyadmin into Lucidchart. If you download the results as a CSV TXT or TSV file you can upload it in the second stage of the ERD import process in Lucidchart (shown in the screenshot below). You could also paste the output directly into a box if you select the 'Paste as plain text' option. This should automatically generate a list of ERD databases tables and schemas in your toolbox after you click 'Import'.