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I am importing data from another organization via a CSV however I'm not happy with the defaults. 

I'd like all entries to appear the same as the top image (Role in bold and the smaller text sizes) as opposed to the one on the bottom.  How do I set that and then apply to everything else?  Is there a way to set this up to import from a CSV and match this style?


Hi Josh 

Thanks for posting! You can apply the same field visibility settings to all objects by following the steps under "manage fields universally" in the Org Charts Help Center article. If you are importing from a CSV you just need to make sure that there are columns in the CSV that match the fields that you want to display in your chart. 

Please let me know if you have any further questions. 



I have the same question but the link to the article no longer works. Can you help me with this?

Hi @djohnso65, thanks for posting and for catching that bad link - I’ve updated it above and also linked it here. Please let me know after reviewing the step by step directions, if you have any questions!
