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I am creating Business Process maps and although started with the BPMN Process Flow Example template, I am only seeing a very limited number of symbols under Shapes. How do I grab the full set of these symbols ?

Hi @JayK, thanks for your question! I’ve answered this in your other post here, but I’ll also share the same information in this thread in order to help anyone else who comes across it. ! To add the BPMN shape library (or any other), open the shape manager by clicking Shapes at the top of the shapes panel or the More shapes button at the bottom.

Next, check the box next to the BPMN 2.0 shape library, then click Use selected shapes. 


This will add the shape library to your shapes panel, and from there you can reposition it and add it to your favorites. 


I hope this helps! Let me know if you have additional questions. 

Thanks @Micah - very helpful instructions. However it only has a very limited subset of BPMN symbols, for example only one Decision Gateway diamond] whereas BPMN has several such as Exclusive Gateway with an X in the diamond], Parallel Gateway with a + in the diamond] etc. Is there a way I can obtain the full set of BPMN symbols?  Thank you

@Micah Please ignore last comment about getting full set of BPMN symbols. I was able to find it using the Advanced options - click on the shape within the diagram and then select the appropriate Type for that shape. Easy.  Thanks again.


@JayK You’ve got it! Let me know what else I can do to support your work. 
