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with confluence integration:

How can I use a copy of a Lucidchart in another Confluence page?

Best regards


Hi Klaus thanks for posting! Just to confirm you are using our OnPrem version of Lucidchart correct? If you are looking to insert a copy of a diagram on a different Confluence page all you need to do is go to the page enter edit mode select to add content select add Lucidchart diagram look in the "existing diagram" section for the diagram you want a copy of select it then select the "make a copy and edit" button on the bottom of the pop-up. This will open a copy for you to edit. After you make any changes you want you can select the "back to Confluence" button and the copy will be inserted on the page. This OnPrem Help Center article has some screenshots of this process if you'd like to see further detail. Hope this helps!

Hi Mason


Thanks for the prompt reply.

Yes we use the onPrem version.

But I can not find tyh point "add content" / "add Lucidchart".

Is it in a Menu? I see the Menu points:

ile Edit Select View IOnsert Arrange an Help.

In none of these menus I find an item "Add Content".

br Klaus


Hi Klaus I'm so sorry for the confusion. When I said to select add content I merely meant to select the "+" button on the top toolbar. If you look in this section of our OnPrem Help center article it has screenshots going through the steps of what you need to do to insert a copy of a diagram. Please let me know if those screenshots don't help!
