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When there are several items locked on a page I would often like to "Unlock All" to move everything at once. Is this possible?

Hey there

Thanks for your post. Great question. Our Add and customize shapes in Lucidchart article from the help center provides for basic information that may be helpful.

White there is not a set "Unlock All" function, there are a couple of available options to assist with this need: 

  • You can select multiple shapes by holding the Shift key. Once all the shapes you need are selected right-click one of the shapes hover over Lock/Unlock in the menu and click Lock. This will uncheck and disable lock for all selected shapes.
  • You can use the Group feature. By grouping elements on your canvas you can have settings apply to all elements in that group (including Lock). To Group objects hold Shift and select the objects you want to Group together. Right-click and select Group. From here you can lock and unlock the grouped objects by right-clicking a shape in the group.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have anymore questions!

Thank you Ashley. Your first option works nicely.

Great to hear! Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.
