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When opening LucidChart the default view has the entire left pane collapsed and every folder in it also collapsed.  This happens every time I open it and it's frustrating.

We use Team Folders so in order for me to create a brand new document from a template I have to use this convoluted flow:

  1. Expand left pane

  2. Click Templates

  3. Click Personal

  4. Choose my template

  5. Click again to actually use it to create a new doc

  6. Edit my doc rename it save it.

  7. Go into my personal documents folder and drag it to the Team folder.

  8. Confirm I actually want to do what I just attempted to do (permission dialog)

Why does this have to be so complicated?


Hi Paul

Thanks for posting about your experience in the community! This is great feedback. Would you mind adding your request to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.

Did we get anywhere with fixing this. It is super frustrating as i have a team of people and they forget to move the drawing to the team folder and thus the team cannot see them why is there no default folder setting for a template?



@luke i Thanks for continuing this thread and apologies for the frustration you're experiencing. We certainly recognize how the ability to set a default folder for document creation would be beneficial to your workflow! The best way to continue to voice this need is via the form in Ashley's response above which helps our development team to prioritize improvements to the product. Thank you again for your feedback and apologies for the inconvenience

I also need to see this feature. I raised a Feature request for this just in case no one else did. Look forward to you actioning this...

Hey Matt

Thank you for keeping this thread going and thank you for submitting that feature request! Firm handshakes 🤝
