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I am using the Timeline canvas. There is an unassigned assignee in my timeline. How can I remove it?

Hi @zairul a

Thanks for posting in the Community!

Can you confirm that you are using the Gantt chart template for Lucidspark?

Hi Coumba D

Err how do i check that ya? What I can recall is I clicked 'Timelines' in 'Tools' and it (the schedule) came out.

Hi Zairul

Thanks that is very useful I was able to retrieve the same template.

If you double-click the 'Unassigned' row do you see the following pop-up modal?

If you click the trash icon your 'Unassigned' row should be removed.

Please let me know how this goes on your end!

Hi @coumba d
It worked! TYSM. Appreciate it very much.

Great! Glad you were able to delete your row!

Have a great day/evening! 

@coumba d

Same 2 u 😊

I’m having the same issue and have tried the above.  It’s like there’s a hidden card.  All cards have been assigned that I can see, but still cannot remove the Unassigned row.

Hey @Tom Todd -- to clarify, are you saying you’ve tried the method that @Coumba D outlined and you are still unable to delete the unassigned row? Care send a screenshot of what you are seeing when you double click and attempt to delete the row? Make sure you’re double clicking on the title row, where it says Unassigned and you should see the popup that @Coumba D has referenced above. 

Hope this helps!

Hi Phillip, yes I’ve been using the same method (successfully) as Coumba D outlined, but now nothing happens when you select the “delete” (garbage can).  Row is empty, cards all showing assigned.



Hey @Tom Todd -- thanks for the reply! Hmm, this one is interesting. Would you mind to copy and paste your entire Timeline onto a new space on the board or onto a new board entirely and let me know if that helps solve the issue? 

Thanks, Phillip.  I copied and pasted to a new board, still unable to delete the row.

Hey @Tom Todd -- thanks for the reply! I have went ahead and converted this post into a ticket so our amazing support team can help out 😎

Hope this helps!
