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I am looking to create an org chart from the template ones which allow you to import your data from a sheet but I am trying to show a manager that owns two or three different departments, is it possible? 

This is the example: 

Client Success Director owns the subdepartments 1) Support  2) Client Success which are part of the Client success department but have their own responsabilities/tasks. 


Hi @AnaVaz 

The use case you have in place is achievable.

Try creating an org chart that shows a manager overseeing multiple subdepartments by importing data from a spreadsheet

Ensure your data is structured correctly in a spreadsheet

Each row should represent an employee, and you should have columns for Employee Name, Employee ID, Supervisor ID, and Department as shown below



For more help you can also make use of the help article - Create an org chart – Lucid


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards
