Hi everyone
I'm learning LucidChart and trying to visualize MySql database schema in new Document.
For this I use dump of mysql schema in database.sql file (with no data). Then I'm converting it to a bunch of csv files (https://www.rebasedata.com/). When I'm trying to upload it into the Lucidchart it gives me parse exception.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
Hi Artem thanks for posting! You can take a look at this Help Center article on how to import your ERD into Lucidchart. If after going through those steps you still experience trouble please reach out to us through this form and include the following info: the URL to your diagram so I can take a closer look a screenshot of the error message and the .csv file or plain text output received from your DBMS after running the query provided by Lucidchart. Thanks!
Is that the default answer? lol Anyone know if there's a resolution to this issue? To LucidChart Support. please enlighten us. :) If you know of a web application or otherwise that will export a mysql database ERD to a compatible format please tell us. What did your developers use to export a MySQL Database ERD when testing the LucidChart import? There's got to be a way to do this. I have read soooooooo many posts on forums where developers are having this issue.
Hi Jim sorry to hear that this feature is not working for you. We support importing your ERD structure from MySQL and the query provided during the ERD import process in Lucidchart should result in output from your DBMS which is already correctly formatted provided that you selected MySQL during the initial import.
If you are seeing errors upon import it might be that your CSV/plain text file isn't correctly formatted. This might happen if you need to change the standard query for whatever reason. I recommend checking your output to make sure that the modification we discussed in this post isn't changing the output.
Unfortunately I don't have a CSV output for MySQL to show you for comparison but you can find an example CSV output from PostgresSQL attached at the bottom of this article. The headers for MySQL are essentially the same and are listed as follows in the MySQL query accessible in the import modal: dbmst.TABLE_SCHEMAt.TABLE_NAMEc.COLUMN_NAMEc.ORDINAL_POSITIONc.DATA_TYPEc.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTHn.CONSTRAINT_TYPEk.REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMAk.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAMEk.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME
If you can rule out any formatting issues are not seeing any specific errors could you provide some more detail on the issue? What exactly happens when you try to import the output from your DBMS in Lucidchart? That will help me identify what is causing the issue.
Thank you very much for that bit of info. With that I was able to piece together a csv file by selecting all entries in the schema query output and pasting them into an excel spreadsheet
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