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How are shapes different from containers?

  • 24 June 2016
  • 4 replies

How are shapes different from containers?

Hi Michael

Containers differ from basic shapes in 4 ways:

  1. Containers can be "magnetized" to contain and move content that is placed inside the container boundaries.

  2. Containers cannot be filled with color (this is a good way of checking the type of shape you have used) so you can click and drag shapes into/ inside the container without actually selecting the container.

  3. You can turn on/off the 'magnet' feature to turn a container into a regular shape.

  4. Containers cannot be rotated.

When I put things into a container and then hit Arrange > Auto Layout > Hierarchy the container and contents move separately from one-another. Is there a way to make them move together so that you could put things into containers and then have everything rearrange hierarchically without messing things up? This would be super helpful.

Hi Pattrick

To do this you should select both the content and the container by clicking on both while holding down "shift." Then right click on the two selected objects and select group. Doing this will allow them to move together. Please let me know if you need anything else!

Today closed containers can be filled with colors. In case of swim lanes only the header can be filled with color.
