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Any way to set the portion of a page which a hotspot links to?

The way a PDF bookmark can have a page view associated with it.

So when the user clicks they are taken to the center of the page maybe at 100% maybe fit to window but not some random odd corner.

Hi Russell 

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! Just to make sure I understand your question correctly you’re linking a shape to another page of your Lucidchart document and would like to know whether is possible to define exactly what portion of that linked page will be visible when triggering the action? If so unfortunately what you are trying to do is not currently supported in Lucidchart. However we're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. If you’d like to see the ability to set a specific snapped view of your linked pages supported in Lucidchart in the future would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.
