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My chart had only 20 items but I attempted to delete one just to see if it would help but it did not fix it and when I pressed undo the item would not come back cause the 60 item limit came up again.

Hi Erin

Thanks for reaching out on the Lucid community. I'm sorry for the trouble with your document and am happy to help.

  • Please be aware that the object counter in free documents will count all items on all tabs so if you have any additional tabs in the documents those will be counted as well.

  • If that is not the case for this doc please try to access your document in an incognito or private browsing window. Sometimes that helps with document performance issues by clearing the cache and cookies and disabling extensions.

If neither of these fixes help please send me a screenshot of the pop-up that appears prompting you to upgrade and how the object counter on the left-hand side of the screen appears while you are editing the document.

Hope this helps!
