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Is it possible to set it so that the only way to access additional pages on lucid charts is by clicking on a layered link? Or will they automatically be viewable from the bottom of the screen?


Hi Rebekah thanks for posting in the Lucid Community. Yes - this is possible! To do so you'll use Actions to create a clickable "button" that can show hide or toggle the visibility of the layers you choose. 

In my example below I've created a layer - "My Layer" - which I want my viewers to be able to see only after clicking on the button I create. To create the button I added the shape to my canvas and selected it opened the Actions menu chose the Layers option. From there I selected Show then chose My Layer. 

This community post shows an example of this functionality in action and you can find step by step instructions in this Add actions to a diagram article from the Lucidchart Help Center. Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

Hello Micah I think you misunderstood my question. I have my project split between multiple pages. As you see in your example the "Page 1" title is there with every other page that is in the project. Can I hide the different page tabs and make it so that those pages can only be accessed by clicking a button that links to that page. In essence I want to keep multiple pages but not allow viewers to see the different pages at the bottom of the screen

Hi Rebekah apologies for misunderstanding and thanks for the clarification - I see now what you're hoping to do! Unfortunately it is not possible to hide pages within a document or allow access to some but not others. In this scenario I would recommend splitting pages that need different permissions into other documents. However you can achieve something similar to revealing another page by clicking on a link with that configuration. Using Actions to create a button (as shown above) choose to link to another Lucidchart document instead.

This way the information in that separate document can be accessed as needed and separate permissions can be set for it - e.g. you can grant viewing permission for Collaborator A but not for Collaborator B if you don't want them to access it.
