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hey there, was logged in as my work email address. i was granted a premium license from my employer. i log in with the same email but when i go to one of my documents  i get the you don’t have access message. there is a link to request access. the email is sent to my email add(the same email address i am logged in as). i grant access via the email, but i still get the message i don't have access.

Hi @tripward, thank you for posting in the community! Since this deals with your account and documents, I’ve moved this conversation to a support ticket to protect your privacy. Please keep an eye out for an email from Lucid Support. Thank you! 

Good morning leianne, thank you for the response.


I think i figured out the issue. Somehow when i logged in via sso an odd email was used. email address 1] instead of email address 2].


What i want to do move the diagrams under remail address 1] to email address 2]. Is there a way to do that?



Hi @tripward, thanks for following up with that update! I’m glad to hear you were able to locate your documents. I’ve gone ahead and removed the email addresses in your comment for your privacy. 

If you still have access to both accounts, you can transfer those documents by following the steps outlined in this Transfer Lucid documents article from the Lucid Help Center. 

I hope this helps! Feel free to let us know if you have any questions. 
