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First time importing Visio Org chart and shapes moved over to Lucid but none of the text within the chart shapes. Any suggestions on how to resolve?


Hi @K Hall-37 

Importing Visio org charts into Lucidchart can sometimes encounter issues, particularly with text formatting or data not transferring correctly. Here are some steps you can take to resolve the issue where the shapes have moved over but the text within the chart shapes did not:

1. Check File Compatibility and Format

  • Use Supported Formats - Ensure that the Visio file you are trying to import is in a supported format by Lucidchart. Lucidchart generally supports .vdx or .vsdx files. If you're using another format, consider saving your Visio diagram in one of these formats before importing.

2. Re-Export from Visio

  • Re-export the File - Sometimes, simply re-exporting the file from Visio can resolve minor glitches that occurred during the initial save or export process.

3. Check Lucidchart Import Settings

  • Import Settings - When importing, check if there are any specific options or settings in Lucidchart that might affect the text. Make sure you select all necessary options to include text.

4. Software Update

  • Update Software - Ensure that both Microsoft Visio and Lucidchart are updated to their latest versions. Sometimes compatibility issues are resolved in software updates.

