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Ok - I know this is incredibly basic but I'm finding it impossible to move or nudge lines!

Once a line segment is inserted via the default shape template I need to shift the entire line - not just one end.

However if I click on the line it selects either one of the endpoints or the midpoint. If I then click and drag any of these the line is re-aligned not moved. 

The only way I've found to trick the system is to create a line copy then paste. Somehow the line then gets selected for moving (although it drops with a random offset making it hard to place precisely).

I'd also like to nudge objects finely depending on the zoom level - but there's neither any functionality nor any nudge term found in the help system. Moving and nudging are extremely basic - and especially for complex floor plan work essential.


Am I missing something completely obvious? Help!


Hi JP! Thanks for reaching out in the community. If a line is already connected to something at one of the ends then you won't be able to move the entire line only the ends. The line has to be completely independent and then you will be able to move the whole thing. As for nudging you can select a shape/line and then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the shape/line in grid increments-- or you can press Shift and then use the arrow keys to move shapes/lines even smaller amounts. Please let me know if you have any other questions and hope this helps!

Thanks Maison - much appreciate the help!

One suggestion - add this behavior to the help file under the topic "Basic Operations: Moving/Nudging Objects" (or something close). That would be super helpful especially as moving shapes is such a key function!

And is there a way to break the shape connection?

You would have to select the line then hover over it with your mouse until your cursor turns into a cross with arrows at the end of it (this is important if it turns into just a cross then you will draw a new line instead of moving the existing one). Once the cross with arrows shows up you can click and drag the endpoint away from that shape.

Maison - 


I'm back again - can't move line segments! I create it then resize but then can't drag. Reselecting just tries to move the nearby endpoint or center point. The typical move cursor keys (up/down left/right) are completely disengaged. Somehow when you copy/paste the segment can be moved immediately after paster but that's it. Is there a missing key toggle?

Hi again so you are saying you are experiencing the original issue again-- being unable to drag lines? Are these lines not connected to anything and you are still having trouble moving them? Would you mind submitting a support ticket here and including the URL of your document as well as screenshots or a gif of what you are experiencing? This will help me take a closer look at what is going wrong. Thanks!

OK - back again - decided to try and use Lucid for floor plans again. But this same issue keeps happening. Here's the scoop: once a line is on top of another object (such as the underlying architect's floor plan that is ALWAYS present) it always gets a red point when dragged/moved. It appears to be automatic. There's no obvious connection - it's just on top of another item - even locked in another layer!

Once you select the line and try to shift it it always moves one end or another.

The same line clear of any other objects does not exhibit this behavior...


Any help? Or do I need to submit the ticket as you suggested previously?




I think the issue you are experiencing may be related to our automatic line connections. Would you mind turning this feature off and seeing if that helps? Please see the screenshot below for information on how to do this:

I had the same issue and this (toggling off Line Connections) fixed the problem. Thank you!

I had the same issue.  But after following the instructions here I still couldn't move the line.

Ultimately I had some inspiration from where I had similar frustrations with Visio and found that if I turned OFF the 'View | Snap to Objects' feature then I was able to nudge the lines as I wanted.

Hope this saves someone the frustrations that I encountered!
