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Previously when using a rounded arrow it would automatically display a "handle" at both the start and endpoints of the arrow allowing for modification of the arrow track while maintaining a smooth consistent curve.

Now the handles do not appear automatically. I have to drag on the center point of the arrow to get the handles to appear.

The problem is that this creates three handles the two at the endpoints and one in the middle. This makes modifying the arrow while maintaining a smooth consistent curve by using the endpoint handles very very difficult and the result looks awkward and hand-drawn.

How can I have only two handles on my rounded arrows as previously?

Many thanks in advance for any assistance.

Hi Stuart

Thank you for posting on the community!

Unfortunately this is no longer possible in Lucidchart. However I can see why this feature would be useful. Would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.


Thanks -- so is it the case that this feature was eliminated literally in the last week or so?
