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I am writing a medical protocol that will consist of 3 sections: Protocols Clinical Procedures and Pharmacy. 

I have several pages designed and want to start grouping them into the different sections so that when I export to PDF the bookmark in any PDF viewer will list all pages under that section heading. 

Is this possible?

I am referring to collapsible headings when exported to PDF

Hi Larry

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart community! Unfortunately it is not currently possible to collapse/expand sections in a PDF export. If your use case would work with a published document instead of a PDF export you could create portions of your diagram that expand and collapse using layers and hotspots--this help center article walks through how to configure this. If this isn't a good fit for what you are hoping to do please add this feature (and your use case for it) to our feature request form.

I hope this helps! Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.
