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I'm working on a LucidChart document that was shared with me by someone else giving me Edit and Share permissions.

When I click on the border of the diagram a dashed yellow line appears along with a yellow lock. When I hover over the lock it says "Group Has Restricted Member." When I select Share then Manage Collaborators 4 people have Edit and Share permissions and 8 have Comment permissions. 

Two questions:

1. How can I find out who the restricted member is?

2. How do I remove the yellow-dashed line and lock?


Hi there


Thank you for posting your question in the Lucid Community! The yellow dashed line and the lock you're seeing is actually part of the locking feature in Lucidchart.

You can lock objects in your document in order to prevent changes in size/position style or content by using the lock symbol in the toolbar or by right clicking on the object and selecting your locking preferences. You can learn more about the locking feature in this Help Center article.

The message you’re seeing is referring to an object with a lock setting that is also within a group. When an object is locked and is also part of a group it will cause the “Group Has Restricted Member” message.




If you'd like to edit this you can clicking into the group to enter editing mode for that group. You can either:

  • Remove the lock from the object in order to make whatever changes you'd like to the group



  • Or ungroup entirely which will allow your locked object to be independent and editable on it’s own



This feature is not related to sharing permissions and this message is not referring to any collaborator's ability edit the document.


I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

I'm experiencing some issues with SMART containers on my account. I have noticed that all of the containers are locked with group-restricted members and I am unable to ungroup or unlock them. Moreover when I reopen the documents the containers are rearranged and I need my diagrams in the order they were created. I have searched for a solution to this problem but unfortunately I have not found any.

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can provide me with any suggestions or solutions to fix this issue with SMART containers. It would help me to keep my diagrams in the right order and prevent any unwanted changes.

Hey Kenneth

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Would you mind confirming a couple things so I can take a closer look: 

1.) Are you the original creator/owner of this document? 

2.) Has it been shared with other members of your team? 

3.) Were you the user that grouped these shapes and/or locked them? 

4.) Are the shapes placed back in their original spot or somewhere different each time? 

Thank you for your help and patience on this! 
