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Hi I want to use the Greek letter Delta in my text. In other software using Alt+916 will give me that. In this software it gives me  ö.

In another post the answer says that using Unicode to get Greek letters works if you are using a font that has Greek lettering in it; I am using Liberation Sans. Which font will give me the correct symbol for Atl-916?

Thank you.

Hi Catherine

Thanks for reaching out to Lucid support. Liberation Sans and Liberation Serif both support Greek lettering. Since the unicode is producing a symbol (ö) even though it isn't the expected one it seems to be related to the keyboard shortcut rather than to the font itself. I have let our development team know about this issue.

As a workaround so that you are able to continue your work in the meantime there are a couple of other ways that you can add a delta symbol into your text in Lucidchart:

  1. Copying and pasting the Greek letter from another resource into Lucidchart.

  2. Using the "Equations" shape library which supports mathematical operators Greek letters and other symbols.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions!

Thank you very much copy/paste from Word worked perfectly!

I'm happy that helped! Please feel free to reach out to the community any time with any additional questions.
