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Hi Team - I only now am exploring the Google Drive connector. After connecting my account, I don’t know what to do next so that I can save my flow directly into Google Drive

Also, if I save my flow to Google Drive and share with my department, will anyone, even those without Lucid license, be able to view the file and interact with it?

Also, what if an owner of a particular Lucidchart Page edits their process flow, will that edit be automatically respected in my file that I share via Google Drive? (so that I dont have to remember to always re-load a new file version on Google Drive, everytime there’s an update made to the flow)?

Hi @aokeeffe , thanks for your post!


After setting up the integration for Google Drive as described in our Google Drive Help Center article, you have the capability to sync your Lucidchart diagrams to your Drive account, create diagrams from Google Drive, and set up weekly backups.


Please read through the Help Center article, as it goes over the necessary steps for each of these features. If you have any additional questions or concerns after this, please let me know and I’d be happy to assist 😊.

Regarding your question around collaboration, please read through the Collaborate via Google Drive section in the Help Center article. On top of what is mentioned there, please note that it is necessary for users to have a Lucidchart user to be able to access any Lucidchart documents via Google Drive.
