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I want to find details about a Lucidchart document.  I can do this when I am browsing where I select a document and then '(i)'.

I want to know how to find details about a document that is CURRENTLY open.  I am expecting to see a menu option like - File / Details - but I do not see this.  I do not want to go back to browse and search for the document by name either.  Typically I have document open since someone sent me a link for it.


Hi @kumar a thanks for posting in the community! Unfortunately viewing document details from within the editor is not currently supported in Lucidchart. However I can certainly see how this would be a useful function! Would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

As a workaround it is possible to insert additional document details into your document via Insert > Creator Name / Created Date and Time / Last modified Date and Time etc. (see screenshot). This information will be inserted as a text box in the document allowing you to check these details from within the editor. 

If you would like to check the collaborators of the document you can do so by clicking the "Share" button and the "Manage" button in the share dialog that appears. For more information please see this Share in Lucidchart Lucidspark and Lucidscale article from the Lucid Help Center.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. Please feel free to let us know in this thread if you have any questions about this. Hope this helps!

Thank you for the response.

Re: your workaround "insert additional document details":

Note the need to get document details is typically when I have opened a document SHARED BY someone else (via a link).  I do not expect to have edit rights.

I have submitted a feature request.

Hi @kumar a thanks submitting a feature request and for sharing your thoughts in this thread. We really appreciate your feedback!

If anyone else has a similar request please share your thoughts via the feature request form linked in this thread. Cheers!
