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I want to get my created documents by api. The api below gets my documents and a thousand other documents. Why I get these documents ? I there a way to get only the documents associated to my acocunt ?


Hi Mohamed thank you for posting in the community! 

As a first step would you mind checking out our Developer Portal particularly the section dedicated to document access / embedding and let me know if this is the functionality you are looking for? If not our editor's publishing / embedding function might be the tool for you.

Additionally it looks like you might be using an outdated link to access these docs -- would you mind submitting a support ticket with a screenshot of what you are seeing so we may better assist with this specific issue?

If anyone else is having API or publishing issues please feel free to contribute to this thread!

Seeing the same issue with unrelated docs when hitting the GET document list endpoint. 

Have you used the legacy api ? I didn't find how to get my documents with the new api version

Yeah that's what I'm using but seeing a lot of template docs that are not in my account in the response

Hey Steve just to be sure we're on the same page -- are the template docs you are unable to see accessible when you navigate to the Docs List > My Documents tab? If not this would imply that they have not yet been saved from the Template Gallery as docs in your account.

If you can see them in your My Documents tab but not via API please submit a support ticket with the doc URL so we can take a closer look at the issue. 

Hi! Updating this thread with exciting news - we've recently launched Lucid for Developers a community space dedicated to supporting and connecting our users working with the Lucid API and our most technical features.

In this section the developers actually building Lucid’s APIs will be available to answer your most technical questions just like this one. Furthermore here we plan to announce new endpoints tools and guides to help you have the best possible experience developing on Lucid’s APIs. You can browse existing posts connect with other users with similar questions and goals and ask questions of your own by creating a new post or leaving a comment. Thank you and we're excited to hear from you!
