I am hoping someone can help troubleshoot some freehand drawing issues I am having with LucidSpark.
I started my project in LucidChart. The initial upload to my project was a diagram made in OmniGraffle by a coworker. I am now annotating that diagram in LucidChart. There are a few places where I need to incorporate arrows but the areas are so small that the pre-populated arrows in LucidChart do not work which is why I then opened this same project in LucidSpark since it features a freehand drawing tool.
However whenever I use the freehand drawing tool on the project in LucidChart the freehand drawing item moves behind the diagram instead of sitting on top (or in front) of the diagram.
I have tried using the "arrange" option i.e. bringing the drawing to the front and sending the diagram to the back but this does not work. The freehand drawn arrow still ends up behind the diagram.
I have also tried searching to see if LucidSpark has an option to create layers for the diagram like LucidChart does but LucidSpark doesn't seem to have this feature either which is why I am left stumped. I don't know what else to do to get the freehand drawn arrows to sit on top of my diagram.
Can anyone assist?
Thanks so much!
-Danielle A