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Hi there

Is it possible to define a combination of forms as some kind of "Component"? So that I can reuse this component on different places and when I change the original component all other places where this component is used are update accordingly? It´s not working with the Shapes Library as far as I found out. With shapes library each shape is an independent copy and not an instance of the original shape.

I do a lot of Wireframes / Wireflows with Lucidchart and it would make my live much easier when this is possible in any way.


Hi Michael 

Thanks for posting! It is possible to combine multiple objects into one - simply highlight them right-click and select "group." See our Work with Shapes on the Canvas article for more information. You can also create a custom shape out of the combination by dragging the grouped shape into your shape library. It will be saved to that document for future use. 

It is not possible to push changes that you make to one instance of a component to all of the instances where that component is used but that is a great idea that I am sure our product team would be interested in hearing! Can you please post that suggestion into our feature request form

