I'm glad you have a floor plan editor it makes sense.
A couple of things while there may be better places for feedback I'm not sure where those would be but know that this will get seen hopefully.
1. In floor plan it would be great to be able to set the dimensions of shapes in the units you're working in. It is super frustrating trying to set an object at x1 feet x2 inches by y1 feet y2 inches or even just units in scale. I'll put a table object in the diagram and can see the scaled measurement when I click on the object but to use shape options I get the units of the object on paper why?! Let me set the units I want to work with and then not care what it looks like on paper until I'm worried about printing! (and please don't suggest I do the whole thing with zero scale....)
2. A measuring tool. Your current solution of a scaled measuring bar is a pain. it only adds clutter in some cases when I'm building I just want to measure the distance between a couple of things and there seems no way to do that. In other software I've used there is a "measurement" tool that I you simply click on 2 points and measure the distance between them. Then you have the option to leave it or not but it's a super small line vs a huge block.
3. Could you please fix your docs so the ones that aren't publicly available not return in general google/bing search. It's super frustrating to have a bunch of results from your site pollute the search results when I'm trying to navigate your tool. It's like oh here's your answer maybe it may also be completely non-related or unhelpful but to even see it you have to be a paid user but even then may not?