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I'm trying to use conditional formatting on a floor plan to change the appearance of some objects. For example I would like to have occupied desks be green and unassigned desks be yellow. I have attached a data set to the diagram and linked rows to the objects. However when I set up the conditional formatting nothing changes. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?

Hi John

Thanks for posting on the community! To learn more about how to use conditional formatting take a look at this Conditional Formatting article. You could also try to pull up your document in a Chrome incognito window and see if the conditional formatting will work there. 

If the problem persists please contact us at feel free to contact us using this form so we can take a closer look!

I'm aware of how to use conditional formatting. I have a rule and same dataset row link that successfully changes the fill color on the "Rectangle" shape. Using the same rule with the same data set row linked to a "4x2 Workstation" shape under the "Cubicles - Prebuilt" in the Floor Plan shapes fails - the color does not change.

I'll submit a support request - this appears to be a problem with the Floor Plan shapes specifically.

