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Working in LucidSpark it would be convenient to have a flexible grid either a table or set of containers available as a standard shape or template.

Currently LucidSpark templates provide some grids with a fixed number of cells or containers however if need a bigger grid with more rows/columns want to reorder or resize grid then have to do that manually.

Workaround at present is to import a UML grid from LucidChart where can add rows/columns move up and down resize etc.

Would like that or similar as a standard LucidSpark shape or template with each cell/row/column having standard container functions (eg. title background color hide/show) 

Hi @michael s107 thanks for posting in the community and providing a workaround you are currently using! I can certainly see how a flexible container grid in Lucidspark would be helpful. We're always looking for ways to improve Lucidspark and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

For anyone else who would also like to see this functionality in Lucidspark please add your request to the form as well!  

Thanks Leianne. Have done so. Note was unable to find a direct link to the feature request form hence pasted a comment first. Regards

Thanks for following up Michael and apologies for the trouble I am going to pass that feedback onto our team to help improve the experience. That said we still love seeing posts in the community so please feel free to join any existing conversations or create your own posts like this to ask questions! 
