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We intend to use Lucidchart as one of our tools for software design.

I am concern about its feature on document retention reliability. We are using SVN for Source Code control and file versioning as well as the file retention. But Lucid Chart file can not be move the SVN folder as it is shows 0kb in local hard drive. Is there a way to do this?



Hi Xinlei - Thanks for your post! I apologize for any confusion. To clarify which file format are the Lucidchart files you're referencing saved in? 

The file format should be the original Lucidchart format without any export or conversion. The format can be store into local hard drive. this is the only way we can check into SVN for versioning control and file retention.

The use case would be for example I draw a diagram now and version it as V1.0 and check it into SVN. After few month later if one of my team member need to review it and made some change he can easily download the Lucidchart file from SVN and launch it from Lucidchart web application.

Hi Xinlei! If I'm understanding correctly the way SVN functions is users have local files saved on their device that they are working off of and then they check them into SVN as different versions. I don't believe Lucidchart would work with SVN as our files are stored in the cloud not locally. You can manually export our diagrams to have a local copy on your computer but these files are unable to be edited/re-launched in Lucidchart in the way you are describing.

If you are wanting to keep track of changes made to diagrams in Lucidchart you can find this information within Lucidchart. We have Revision History that allows you to see all changes made to a diagram and who made those changes as well as you can set up Change Notifications. I hope this helps and please let me know if I misunderstood your situation!

Hi Maison Thanks for the reply.

