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Hi Lucid Team!

I'm loving lucidCharts so far; especially the ability to swap layers to aid in demonstrating complex branching processes.

Would it be possible to add Layer groups in future? I've included an image of a similar concept from an image manipulation tool. This would aid in organising complex process flows that take advantage of layers for multiple sections of a large document.

Hi Ben thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! Glad to know you're enjoying Lucidchart :)

Unfortunately we currently do not support grouping layers but I can definitely see how this could be useful for many users. Adding this request to our feature request form is the best way to share your idea and valuable context with our development team; they'll take this into consideration when prioritizing improvements to the product!

Thanks for your request and apologies for any inconvenience this causes. Let me know if you have additional questions!

Awesome thank you Slyvia. I'll do just that :)

An no problems at all. Wanted to suggest something I thought might be handy! I've got a work around of using clear naming conventions for now :)

Thanks so much for submitting that Ben! We will follow up if a feature for this becomes available in the future. 
