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I'm trying to export a set of slides based on a single drawing with many layers. I don't have the option to export to google slides (policy reasons) so I need to export to any other format. Is there an easy way to do this other than screen grabbing each slide?



Hi Sean

Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately Lucidchart does not support exporting a slide presentation into another file format. Would you mind adding your idea to our product feedback area of the community? This allows our team to categorize like requests and bring them to our product team. In the meantime you are able to present directly from the Lucidchart editor using the "present" button. 

Thanks again for your request!


Are there any news on this item? I can't vote it up but this is very annoying. At least we should have the option to export to pdf. Honestly the export to google slides doesn't work very well when we have images in the presentation.




Hi Raquel

Unfortunately I do not have an update for you at this time. However feel free to add your request to our product feedback section. This feedback goes directly to our product team for consideration. Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience. 

Hey Just checking on what the latest is on this request... Is this something available in the product now or something expected in the near term. Let me know. Many Thanks

Hi Ajith

Thanks for posting in the community. This functionality is not currently available. Unfortunately I do not have any more information on when it might be available in the future. I apologize for any inconvenience! 
