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I imported a visio diagram to lucidcharts. The original visio diagram had internal hyperlinks that link to different tabs (there are 25 tabs in my visio diagram). The hyperlinks work in lucidchart.

I made edits in lucidcharts and now wish to export the diagram back to visio format. When I export to visio format (both vdx and vsdx formats) the hyperlinks are now gone. Is there a way to export a diagram from lucidcharts to visio and retain the internal hyperlinks?

Hi Dmai

Thanks for posting on the community. Links from your diagram to web pages are supported on export from Lucidchart to Visio but unfortunately internal hyperlinks are not currently supported on export from Lucidchart to Visio. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

If you would like to share your use case for this feature with our development team please add it to our feature request form here.


