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A customer shared access to a lucidchart document from their account containing different diagrams in several tabs. I am trying to export a copy of the document and upload it on our lucid account. I do not want to work on the customer’s original version, nor share it with other users. I need to create a copy and save it on our lucid account to make edits. I do not see options under Export to download it as lucidchart diagram or to import the document in our lucid account. If I export it as Vision, I am afraid I would need to rework the diagrams, which is not efficient. What’s the best option here?

Hey @fabrizio -- thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! If you click File > Duplicate, you will get a copy of the diagram that has been shared with you that you can then change the name of. You will be the owner of this copy. 

Hope this helps!
