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Is there any tool/feature in LucidChart that has the ability to expand/ collapse tree diagrams but of pictures (and text)? I have come across the ones that do this for only text but I'm looking for the one for images.

For instance I have a huge mesh of flowchart and it branches out extensively. Hence explaining/ presenting it from a static image becomes cumbersome because I have to drag/scroll from one end to the other repetitively. It would be very helpful to get a whiteboarding tool that can collapse all branches but one that I want to focus on/ expand only the ones I need.

Thanks in advance!

Hey there

Thank you for contacting Lucid Support! This sounds like you may find some use from our Layers and Actions features in tandem. By adding shapes that you would like to hide to a different layer you can make a shape that is still shown toggle the shapes to be shown and hidden using Actions.

To do this you'll need to move your shapes that you would like to hide to a different layer. From there you can click on the shape you would like to use to toggle the layers and then select the lightning bolt (actions) navigate to layers and use the dropdown menu to toggle the layer you would like. 

When this is done successfully you should be able to click a shape for each branch of your tree that will toggle the layer to be shown and hidden. It will look something like this: 

Hope this helps--please let me know if you have any other questions! 
