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 When I drag and drop some of the data that was imported from excel I get the following error.  Is this a formatting issue on my part?

{{=label(referencekey(1).'DOC. NO.')}}: {{=referencekey(1).'DOC. NO.'}}

Hi there!

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart community. Where does this error message occur? Would you mind posting a screenshot of the error message so we can better investigate this issue? 

Yes it is when I drag the data from the imported data set into the flowchart. Some of the data is fine but The Doc No. Inst. date and File date fields are not.

It had to do with a formatting problem but I have figured it out. Now if I can only get it to keep the Date data as xx/xx/xxxx instead of converting to a numerical number that would be great.


when I drag and drop my imported excel data into Lucid chart Shape the data is displayed with brackets and '-' sign.

I really don't know how to resolve this.

What should I do to correct this? I want to display simple number in this mapped to excel.

Hello Shishan

Thanks for adding to this thread.

Unfortunately it is very challenging to assist you here as we would need to take a look at your data file to figure out what the issue may be.

I would recommend that you ensure that you have properly followed the steps as outlined in the display data on document components section of our Data linking help article. Also note that Lucidchart only supports single line headers. If you have a line break you may not be able to successfully insert your data. You will need to reformat the data to fit within these parameters.

If you need further guidance I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team via this form and make sure that you provided them with: 

  • A screenshot of the issue.

  • A description of how you are attempting to use the data in Lucidchart.

  • The URL of the document so that I can take a look.

  • The data you are trying to link (Google Sheets Excel or CSV).

Thank you!



