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Once I have added lucid chart as an add on to Google docs I browsed my document and tried adding one of the page from my lucid chart diagram to my google doc but I got below error all the times.

Error: "We were unable to insert your document. Please try again."

Can someone please suggest solution on how to add a particular page/sheet from my lucid chart to google doc via the add on?

Hi Tarun thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community!

As a first step I would recommend reviewing the Google Add-on article from the Lucidchart Help Center and let me know if you have any questions about the set up or intended functionality.

There are a couple of specific things worth noting when working with our Add-ons:

  • Would you mind connecting to a different network to rule out any connection issues?

  • Could you also try opening the Google Doc/Slide/Sheet in an incognito window to rule out browser interference?

  • If you remove the diagram and then reinsert it does that resolve the issue?

If the issue persists after those steps please submit a support ticket via this form as troubleshooting this issue may require some sensitive information. 

Hope this helps!


One thing I observed that my lucid chart file has multiple pages. If I add the drawing from first page of lucid chart into Google doc then it does not show any error and I can see the diagram added in Google doc. But if I select drawing from any other page from lucid chart diagram then the said error occurs.

Thanks for following up! I not seeing the same issue with my own multi-page documents. I have transferred your post to a one-on-one email support ticket so we can take a closer look at the document you are experiencing this with. If anyone else is experiencing this please reach out via this form so we can take a closer look a this.
