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When using the LucidChart webpart in SharePoint all was working fine previously however after going through the process of navigating our team folders and choosing a chart to embed it comes up with this error...

Sorry... Our servers experienced an error. Please refresh the page and try again.

When you publish the page the webpart says no chart was selected.

Is there currently an issue with the SharePoint/LucidChart integration for the webpart?


Hi @dennis m101 thank you for posting in the community! I'm sorry for the trouble you are having with the SharePoint integration and am happy to help. Since this may require some additional troubleshooting I am going to move our conversation to a private support ticket. Please keep an eye out for an email from Lucid support.

For anyone else with a similar issue please submit a support ticket via this form and share a brief description of the issue and any relevant information such as screenshots. Thank you!

Hi just updating this thread with some additional information. The issue that was described in this thread was identified as a bug and our engineers released a fix for the app. If you are seeing a similar issue with your SharePoint integration please remove the app and reinstall the newest version.

If you are still experiencing issues after the update please reach out to Lucid Support via the form linked below and our team will be happy to help take a closer look. Thank you and please feel free to let us know if you have any questions!

Hello! I'm also seeing the same error after embedding the link to our Sharepoint site. I am using LucidCharts (web version). Please help. 

Hi @tine thank you for continuing this thread. There are a few specific things worth noting when working with the SharePoint integration:

  • The user installing the app will need global admin/SharePoint admin permissions and a Lucid account with Team/Account owner admin permissions.

  • If the Lucid app does not appear in the add-ins when you try to insert a Lucid diagram on your SharePoint page this could be occurring because your admin selected “Only enable this app” when they initially installed the app for your account. We recommend that your site owners check that they have added the app to the site from their My apps section.

  • If you get an error message when saving a SharePoint page after trying to embed a Lucid diagram this occurs because you haven't selected a diagram to embed and published the page.

If the issue persists  could you please submit a support ticket via this form with the following information? Someone from our team will be happy to assist with further troubleshooting. 

  • A screenshot of the issue

  • A screenshot of any error messages or pop ups that appear

Thank you for your help and patience. Let me know if you have any additional questions!

Hi Leianne C 

Thank you for replying! I just checked today and it's working as expected now. :)
