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I have defined a Conditional Formatting rule for a display of some Azure Subnet objects which uses the addressSpace.addressPrefixes attribute.  This attribute is an array of strings holding the VNet addresses e.g.:

    - ""
    - ""

I then access this attribute for the Custom Hover Text thus:

=CONCATENATE('Space:' @"addressSpace"."addressPrefixes"[1])

In the above example this correctly results in hover text of "Space:" (also showing that your arrays are indexed from 1)

HOWEVER if the addressPrefixes array holds only one item I instead get "#ERROR". 

It appears that the processing is unable to handle indexing an attribute with a single-valued array and in all cases where this array has only one value I get the error.  Others with multiple values resolve correctly.  Changing the index to [0] does not work.

This appears to me to be a bug in the processing.


Hi @steve s103 thank you for posting in the community! Since we may need to take a closer look at your model to help troubleshoot the issue you are experiencing I am going to move our conversation to a private support ticket. Please keep an eye out for an email from Lucid support! 

Hi there! Just updating this thread with some additional information to help anyone else who may be seeing a similar issue. Our engineers confirmed that this is currently working as expected however they provided the following information which may be helpful:
They recommended to use the ASARRAY function which will make an array if the item isn't (i.e. ASARRAY(1) => [1] and ASARRAY([1]) => [1]). If the SPLIT is wrapped in an ASARRAY it should work generically (i.e. ASARRAY(SPLIT(@"addressSpace"."addressPrefixes"[1] "."))[1]). 

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any additional questions about this. Hope this helps!
