I've got a PostGres server I want to extract the public schema from. I can get the code to work and extract the ERD to a CSV file. However the code provided by Lucid (Below) doesn't extract the relationships between tables?
"SET enable_nestloop=0;SELECT 'postgresql' AS dbmst.table_catalogt.table_schemat.table_namec.column_namec.ordinal_positionc.data_typec.character_maximum_lengthn.constraint_typek2.table_schemak2.table_namek2.column_name FROM information_schema.tables t NATURAL LEFT JOIN information_schema.columns c LEFT JOIN(information_schema.key_column_usage k NATURAL JOIN information_schema.table_constraints n NATURAL LEFT JOIN information_schema.referential_constraints r)ON c.table_catalog=k.table_catalog AND c.table_schema=k.table_schema AND c.table_name=k.table_name AND c.column_name=k.column_name LEFT JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage k2 ON k.position_in_unique_constraint=k2.ordinal_position AND r.unique_constraint_catalog=k2.constraint_catalog AND r.unique_constraint_schema=k2.constraint_schema AND r.unique_constraint_name=k2.constraint_name WHERE t.TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' AND t.table_schema NOT IN('information_schema''pg_catalog');"
I've checked inside PostGres and the Relationships there are active and I can interact with them. But I can't see to get an export of them?
Why is this? Can anyone help?