Hi Ray 

Thanks for following-up on this and my apologies for the issue with the contact form – it seems like the link I added to my first response was broken. I have now updated it.

Could you confirm if you have you also tried the import using an alternate Internet connection? If you haven't already would you mind giving it a shot if possible using a mobile hotspot? This will help us rule out any interference from your network security settings. 

If the issue persists please submit your support ticket here and make sure to include the following information: 

  • Your document URL

  • The data you are trying to import

  • A screenshot of the associated Javascript Console output after reproducing the issue. You can open your Javascript Console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J (if your computer is a Windows/Linux) OR Cmd+Opt+J (if your computer is a Mac).

This additional information will allow us take a closer look at the issue you are experiencing and investigate why your import is not working as expected. Thanks!