Hi Craig! Have you checked out our Help Center article about ERD import?
I have. More than once.
I can create an ERD but I don't have an example of the last 4 columns of the import.
I assume they are related to the in//out relationship types and foreign/primary keys ... but what are valid entries that I do not know.
I'm interested in doing the same thing. I am not able to run a SQL against an actual database but I have a spreadsheet detailing all the tables I use. I'm looking to format that in a way that allows me to import them into Lucid for purposes of building an ERD.
I can not find any information on what format the import needs to be in. I attempted doing an export from Lucid to see the format that it exports in but it does not accept that as an import so it's obviously expecting something different in the import.
This is what I know (or believe) so far:
csv has 12 columns
The first three contain this data for my export from an SQL server
Field 4 is the table name
Field 5 is the column name
Field 6 is a counter of the column (if the table has 10 columns there will be 10 records with counter 1 to 10)
Field 7 is the column type (varchar smallint etc..)
Field 8 is the type size (for varchar char nchar and nvarchar)
Columns 9-12 are the ones I have no data for (yet)
I made some similar progress too: Here are my findings similar to yours but with some info for the remaining columns (ie the link of Primary/Foreign relationship):
DBMS Type;"DB Name";"Schema";"Table";"Column Name";"Column #";"Column Type";"Column Length";"Reference Key Type";"Reference Key's Schema";"Key's Table";"Key's Column"
So the additional things you were missing would be the arrows/lines that get drawn to connect the ERD's tables on Lucidchart. I don't know all the valid types but using PRIMARY and FOREIGN were acceptable values resulting in PK / FK on the diagram.
Thanks Scott. That gets me closer.
I may have time this weekend to experiment some more.
With this definition:
DBMS Type;"DB";"Schema";"Table";"Row Name";"Row #";"Row Type";"Row Length";"Key Type";"Key's Schema";"Key's Table";"Key's Row"
This example text can be copied into the importer:
postgresql;"DB";"public";"Parent Table 1";"Name";"1";"Text";50;"PRIMARY KEY";;;
postgresql;"DB";"public";"Child Table 2";"Name";"1";"Text";50;"PRIMARY KEY";;;
postgresql;"DB";"public";"Child Table 2";"Parent Link";"2";"Text";50;"FOREIGN KEY";"public";"Parent Table 1";"Name"
Results look like below when you drag the two objects onto the page:
Hi Scott Craig and Sara
Thanks very much for sharing the insights and workable examples. It has been 9 months since you started the thread hope you may still interested in the topic or would not mind to comment on my questions and observations.
1. the 12 columns are is ture if the DBMS is set to postgreSQL as the template Query for the database is as below:
"SELECT 'postgresql' AS dbmst.table_catalogt.table_schemat.table_namec.column_namec.ordinal_positionc.data_typec.character_maximum_lengthn.constraint_typek2.table_schemak2.table_namek2.column_name"
coresponding to the 12 columns you shared.
For mysql there will be no table catalog field so the format will be different as the template query of mysql is as below:
but this makes no differnce for the major component of the csv file. namely Sechma will be created as a group of template under entity relation library table name and table definition will be as an object that can be used as normal template. If the file is loaded with csv or text it doesn't matter which dbms was selected in the first step.
My question is it seems not able to delete the imported table although whether to show it or not can be selected. Currently the example table given be Scott sit in my library which is not bad. But some other tables I created for trial I hope to be able to remove them. Do you have any idea on how to remove an imported template table?
2. Currently there seems no option to describe the one to one or one to many relationship of the keys in the csv file/text input. Lucidchart is linking Primary key and foreign key with one to many relationship by default. Just wondering if there might be some hidden parameter that can be set in the csv file? It seems to be able to set different linkage relationships as demonstrated in the diagram in the ERD section in the following link.
Orput it another way: Besides the 4 database is there any hidden definitions of dbms so that more parameters can be set?
It would be very helpful to know more about how this works to make life easier with lucidchart :)
Unfortunately there is not a way to delete a table once imported into Lucidchart. Once the relations ships are drawn you can always change them by selecting the line and changing its endpoint within Lucidchart.

We're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your idea to our product feedback section of the community?
This form allows our team to categorize like requests and bring them to our product team.
Thanks again for your request!
Hi Karsten
Thanks for your quick reply. I see how to set up cardinality manually but the default of primary to foreign key have 1 to many relationship will be applicable for most cases. I have submitted the ideas via the feature request form.
Currently the following field can be defined in the csv file (shared by Liccid chart community manager Megan) hope the list can grow.
"Dbms (mysql postgres etc.)
TABLE_SCHEMA (database name)
TABLE_NAME (table name)
COLUMN_NAME (column name)
ORDINAL_POSITION (order of column)
DATA_TYPE (data type of column)
CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH (character length for column)
CONSTRAINT_TYPE (unique primary key foreign key)
REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA (foreign key’s database)
REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME (foreign key’s table)
REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME (foreign key’s column)"
Finally I hope the visual query functionality can be integrated with other tools such as Alteryx's visual query builder (powered by Active Query Builder). And can support more database for example Exasol besides the current four. Hope this will be possible in the further.
I was able to delete a table from an import by re-importing the CSV file with the table and columns deleted from the file.
Thanks for sharing that. Re-importing your CSV is the only way to effectively "reset" the data. We are always looking to improve the functionality of our product and these interactions help us better understand what our users are looking for.
Hi Elain and Karsten
Thanks very much for sharing the insights. Solves my current problem:)
I am looking for a sample csv that can import and create a UML diagram for Lucid Chart. I don't see it any where in this thread Any help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance.
A sample would be great I am getting a parsing errors below any thoughts:
"emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""face_version""7""int""""FOREIGN KEY""dbo""EMAM_Asset_Versions""asset_version" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""Archive_Profile_Id""23""int""""FOREIGN KEY""dbo""EMAM_Archive_Profiles""ID" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""date_created""22""datetime""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""Metadata_Set_Id""24""int""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""ModifiedBy""25""int""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""Sequence_Id""26""int""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""archive_storage_id""16""int""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""subject""17""nvarchar""100""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""category""18""nvarchar""50""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""copyright""19""nvarchar""1000""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""keywords""20""nvarchar""500""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""location""21""nvarchar""100""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""rating""10""float""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""ingested_by""11""int""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""ingested_on""12""datetime""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""lastmodified_on""13""datetime""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""IsArchived""14""bit""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""rowguid""15""uniqueidentifier""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""title""3""nvarchar""500""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""asset_type_id""4""smallint""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""asset_state_id""5""int""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""latest_version""6""int""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""asset_desc""8""nvarchar""1000""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""author""9""nvarchar""100""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""client_id""2""int""""""""""" "emamdb""dbo""EMAM_Assets""id""1""int""""PRIMARY KEY"""""""
Hi Matt
Thanks for reaching out on the community. If you are experiencing trouble importing your ERD please attempt this process in an incognito browsing session. Sometimes extensions or cache/cookies problems can interfere with Lucidchart's ERD import.
If this doesn’t help resolve the issue please send me the following information:
Thank you!
Two years ago this person asked for a sample CSV file. Nobody from Technical Support has provided that yet? This is an old thread asking for support on a very common operation. Apparently it was closed without an actual response only a perfunctory answer to close the ticket.
I am looking for a sample csv that can import and create a UML diagram for Lucid Chart. I don't see it any where in this thread Any help would be greatly appreciated?
Thanks in advance.
Can Technical Support please provide a current link to a sample CSV import template to build a simple ERD?
Thank you.
Hi Rich thanks for following up on this thread. I recommend checking out our ERD article. If you scroll to the bottom of this article you can find some sample files attached for PostgreSQL Oracle and SQL Server.
Unfortunately we don't currently have a sample file for MySQL. However I recommend checking out the headers in the PostgreSQL example file. The headers for MySQL are very similar and are listed as follows in the MySQL query accessible in the import modal: dbmst.TABLE_SCHEMAt.TABLE_NAMEc.COLUMN_NAMEc.ORDINAL_POSITIONc.DATA_TYPEc.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTHn.CONSTRAINT_TYPEk.REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMAk.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAMEk.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Would SOMEONE please post a useable (entire) solution to this issue. The whole working query would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Dan thanks for posting! Are you referring to the query you need to run in your database in order to generate the output file to upload into Lucidchart? If so- this is provided in our ERD import process as described here. You will need to make sure you select your database type from the list then you can copy the query shown in the window and run it in your DB. The results of the query can be saved as a CSV TSV or TXT file or copied to your clipboard and you can upload them to Lucidchart in the next step of the import process. The query should include everything you need including table names and PK/FK relationships indicated between tables.
It's worth noting that this process imports your databases tables and schemas into the toolbox on the left side of your page but it does not automatically generate the whole ERD for you. You will need to manually drag entities out to the canvas from the toolbox to build your ERD. Relationship lines indicated in the results of the query you ran should be automatically drawn between entities as you do this.
If this information doesn't help would you mind submitting a support ticket using this form so we can investigate further? Please include the output file and a detailed description/screenshot of the issue you are seeing. Thanks!
I would also appreciate a CSV example template. I have data in a Quickbase database that I need to format and export as a CSV for import to Lucid. Can someone please provide an example of how to structure a CSV so that Lucid can convert to shapes on import?
Hi Peter I've copied an example select statement and CSV input for a PostgreSQL database import below. While Lucidchart doesn't formally support a Quickbase import if you structure your data in this form and choose the PostgreSQL option Lucidchart should be able to successfully interpret the data and build an ERD.
SELECT 'postgresql' AS dbmst.table_catalogt.table_schemat.table_namec.column_namec.ordinal_positionc.data_typec.character_maximum_lengthn.constraint_typek2.table_schemak2.table_namek2.column_name
postgresqlquizbowlpublicdatabase_migrationsapplied2timestamp with time zone
postgresqlquizbowlpublicdatabase_migrationsname1character varying
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postgresqlquizbowlpublicschoolcreate_user_id7integerFOREIGN KEYpublicuser_accountuser_id
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postgresqlquizbowlpublicevent_logevent_id2integerFOREIGN KEYpubliceventevent_id
postgresqlquizbowlpublicevent_logevent_log_id1integerPRIMARY KEY
postgresqlquizbowlpublicquestion_typequestion_type_value1character varyingPRIMARY KEY
postgresqlquizbowlpublicuser_logincreate_date6timestamp with time zone
postgresqlquizbowlpublicuser_logincreate_user_id5integerFOREIGN KEYpublicuser_accountuser_id
postgresqlquizbowlpublicuser_loginsession_id3character varying
postgresqlquizbowlpublicuser_loginuser_login_id1integerPRIMARY KEY
postgresqlquizbowlpublicversioned_schemasha13character varying40
postgresqlquizbowlpublicversioned_schemaname1character varying
postgresqlquizbowlpublicsubmissionlast_mod_date10timestamp with time zone
postgresqlquizbowlpublicsubmissionlast_mod_user_id9integerFOREIGN KEYpublicuser_accountuser_id
postgresqlquizbowlpublicsubmissioncreate_date8timestamp with time zone
postgresqlquizbowlpublicsubmissioncreate_user_id7integerFOREIGN KEYpublicuser_accountuser_id
postgresqlquizbowlpublicsubmissionevent_question_id2integerFOREIGN KEYpublicevent_questionevent_question_id
postgresqlquizbowlpublicsubmissionsubmission_id1integerPRIMARY KEY
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postgresqlquizbowlpubliceventstart_time3timestamp with time zone
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postgresqlquizbowlpublicquestioncreate_date11timestamp with time zone
postgresqlquizbowlpublicquestioncreate_user_id10integerFOREIGN KEYpublicuser_accountuser_id
postgresqlquizbowlpublicquestionlevel_id9character varying
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postgresqlquizbowlpublicquestionquestion_id1integerPRIMARY KEY
postgresqlquizbowlpublicteamlast_mod_date8timestamp with time zone
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