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How can we merge the SSO Azure ID and the email ID so that whatever a user enters SSO ID or email ID it still links and takes them to their enterprise account?

We have an SSO ID which is something like and also a corresponding email Whenever the user uses they are redirected to SSO page but not when they use the Please help me how we can achieve this seamless behavior?


Do you have SAML and O365 enabled in the Lucid Admin panel or just one or the other?


Yes we have SAML enabled but as we are not an IT organization we really need a detailed understanding as to how the SSO integration works. This one complexity around the login and sharing channels is making our non-IT users very frustrated and we are not able to instill confidence in them. We want them to login and share seamlessly without breaking their head over the "right way" to login or share. 

This creates a risk of rejecting the wonderful features Lucid has. Can we get more help around this specific area?



Also we have O365 accounts for the users and they keep on bouncing between email Azure AD and O365 login attempts even after we publishing a detailed guide and we believe that out of intuition the users may still miss out on the "right way" to share documents and login. This eventually results in unsuccessful attempts to login for valid users and also users not able to view/edit documents they ought to be. We cannot really expect our academic non-IT faculty / academics to understand all of the intricacies of how Access management and SAML/SSO works.

How do we make this simple enough?


Hi Aveek

It is absolutely possible to manage the flow of 0365 and SAML logins from the Lucid admin panel and to make sure user's profiles are set up to manage the multiple identities you are sending over. I am going to convert this to a ticket so we can chat some of the specifics of your set up. I will then post what we learned back to this thread in case others run into a similar use case. 
