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Hi there 

Can I have an employee reporting to two (2) Managers on the Org Chart? 

Employee A needs to report to employee B & C (Refer diagram below)  Thanks

Hi Abby thanks for your response. 

That's a shame but thank you for passing the idea on. 

Is there a way to manually draw a line in the Lucid Org Chart?  I edited this in another program as I couldn't see an obvious way to draw a line. 


Hi Sarah

You can manually draw the line by hitting escape to stop editing the org chart portion of the document and then by drawing a line as you usually would in Lucidchart (you can learn how to do this in this Help Center article). This will not modify your org chart but it will show as if it did. Hope this helps!


Thanks for your feedback. To express your interest in this feature to our development team please submit it as a feature request in the product feedback section. Thanks!
