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I created a mind map and was originally hoping to use different colored tags to help easily visually flag conceptually similar areas (in a way, to give a sense for the relative scale of different colored tags to one another across the entire map).  Unfortunately, though, the mind map I created is somewhat large, and it appears that zooming out causes the tags to stop displaying altogether, which negates my hope of visually conveying the relative scale of colored tags to one another.

As an alternative, I thought to try using colored square emojis for achieving the same goal, since zooming out doesn’t appear to affect their display on the screen.  Unfortunately, however, I’m experiencing what seems to potentially be a bug in the application, as the colored squares are occasionally randomly changing to colors that I didn’t set, making the color classifications actually confusing and incorrect.  Changing the shape of the emoji doesn’t seem to help (a single emoji winds up replacing all of the other different emojis set across the map, strangely enough).  I wind up having to refresh the page in order to see the correct coloring again.   This is occurring on Chrome too, if that’s helpful information at all.

Before I continue down a rabbit hole of testing options, I thought to ask, is there a simple alternative to achieve the goal of allowing me to visually “tag” nodes, something that’s visible when zoomed out on a large mind map, but also doesn’t display inconsistently?  Any help is much appreciated, and thanks very much.

Hi @Dev Questions, thanks for your post and apologies for the trouble. Tags not being shown when zooming out far is expected, as they would otherwise cover up the shapes they are attached to. 

Other ideas to visually distinguish nodes could be to change the font color (as explained here) or the color of the line leading to the node (see screenshot):



Regarding the issues with emojis you are seeing: I am currently unable to reproduce this on my end. Could you send screenshots of what the issue looks like on your end so I can get a better understanding of the issue? Thanks!
