I would like to embed my Lucid chart on a Google Site. When I go to the file drop down I do not see the option for Publish. How can I get the HTML to embed my charts? Thanks!

- Are you the owner of this document or was this shared with you?
- Are you able to see the publish feature on other documents?
- Is anyone else on your team experiencing a similar issue?
- Can you check on a different device and/or browser to determine if you can publish?
Thanks so much for your help and patience on this!
- Are you the owner of this document or was this shared with you? Yes, I am the owner
- Are you able to see the publish feature on other documents? No, I can not see the publish feature at all
- Is anyone else on your team experiencing a similar issue? - I confirmed that a colleague also can not see Publish
- Can you check on a different device and/or browser to determine if you can publish? - I can only access through my work computer so, no
I looked at my account settings and noticed developer is disabled. Does that need to be enabled to publish??

Let me know if you can find this or if this is not the issue at all -- I’d be happy to continue looking into this further!
Thanks for the information, I am reaching out to the Admin to see if this has been disabled which is a likely possibility,.
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